What is your building layout?
Our church building is a multipurpose facility that is designed to complement a future auditorium. The main entrance door (door on the right under front awning) takes you straight to the rear of the sanctuary. Immediately upon entering, you will find an information center including bulletins for the morning service. First time visitors should pick up a welcome package including a free coffee mug, pen, and information card. Our pastor and administrative offices, as well as our nursery is to the left hallway at the rear of the sanctuary. Our fellowship hall and Sunday School classes are to the right through the hall behind the pulpit. We are in the process of remodeling portions of the facility. Please please be patient with us while this work is in progress.
What is your worship service like?
Our worship style is simplistic, reflecting the regulative principle of worship. We make announcements before the start of the morning service. Worship then begins with a hymn, followed by Scripture reading and the pastoral prayer. Next we sing a few additional hymns and take up a collection. Our pastor then preaches, typically an expository sermon through a book of the Bible. The service concludes with a call to faith and a prayer. We observe the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each quarter at the end of the morning service.
What should I wear?
Wear whatever you feel comfortable with as long as it is tasteful. God is the emphasis of our worship services and we want Him to be our focus. We want to give Him our very best, but that means something different for each individual. This could mean a suit, a dress, slacks, or blue jeans. All are welcome here regardless of appearance; we sincerely mean this.
Where will my kids go?
Our nursery is open to kids aged 3 and under. We want to make it easy for parents and guardians of young children to have the opportunity to focus on hearing the Word of God, while providing a fun and healthy environment for your child. We keep our nursery sanitized by washing toys, wiping tables, etc. Our nursery policies are available upon request. For children ages 4+, we provide age appropriate sheets for them to complete as they listen to the sermon.
How long are the services?
Sunday School – Typically lasts 45 minutes.
Sunday Morning Worship – Typically lasts anywhere from 60-75 minutes.
Evening fellowship meal and Bible Study – Typically lasts 60-75 minutes. We serve and eat for the first fifteen minutes and the teacher begins while the meal is being finished.
What is expected of me if I visit?
We may ask you to fill out a visitor card to place in the offering. Otherwise, we do not have any expectations for you. We don’t ask you to give or do anything else that you are not comfortable with.
Other questions?
If you have any other questions, please send us a message on our contact page or call the church office at the number below.