Salem Baptist Church practices a regenerate church membership; the belief that the church is composed entirely of Christians as described in the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 8:6-13). This means that prospective members must have repented of their sins and trusted in Christ alone for salvation.
We have a five-step membership process:
1) Membership Application – Please complete the membership application form below to begin the process. Upon completion, a pastor will contact you to schedule an interview. Every person is required to fill out an individual application regardless of household status.
2) Membership Interview – Meet with a pastor to provide a testimony of your conversion and to learn more about the church. After receiving pastor approval, you will be introduced to the congregation as a membership candidate.
3) Introduction to Congregation – At the end of a Sunday Morning service, you will be introduced to the congregation as a prospective member. This allows the church the opportunity to get to know you and begin to forge bonds of fellowship with you.
4) New Member’s Class and Baptism (if needed) – During our 10:00 a.m. Sunday School hour, our Senior Pastor hosts a membership class for prospective members and anyone who is interested in learning more about our church. Topics include Salem distinctives, covenant and bylaws, confession of faith, Associations, opportunities to serve, and policies. This class may last several Sundays.
5) Congregation Affirmation – After steps one through four have been completed, at the end of a Sunday morning worship service you will be voted on by the congregation. You will be admitted into membership with a majority vote.