Photo Dec 30 2023, 4 52 12 PM


Dear Visitor,

            We are very glad that you have decided to visit us today. We pray that your time in worship and fellowship here will be honoring and pleasing to God. We would also like to welcome your child(ren) to our nursery. There are a few things we would like for you to know about the care that your little ones will receive.

  1. Please complete a Visitor Form for the nursery the first time you come. If we do not give you one immediately, please ask for one.
  2. Our nursery is for children under the age of 4 years old only.
  3. We ask that you review our sick policy that is posted and follow it.
  4. We ask that you provide us with a cell phone number of someone who is on the premises and that you always keep that phone on silent and with you in case your child needs you.
  5. Snacks and water will be served to the children. We provide Goldfish, Honey Graham Crackers, Animal Cookies and Ritz Crackers. Please be sure to let us know of any allergies (food or otherwise) and if there is an epi pen in your diaper bag.
  6. We ask that all personal toys be kept out of the nursery. This DOES NOT include pacifiers or naptime “friends.”
  7. We do our best to keep our nursery sanitized by washing toys, wiping tables, etc.
  8. A copy of the nursery policy is posted.
  9. Please pick up your child promptly at the end of the service.
  10. If you have any questions, please ask.

Your comfort and that of your child is of the utmost importance to us. If there is anything we can do to make your child’s time here more enjoyable (i.e. a favorite blanket when he/she takes a nap) please be sure to let us know.

May God bless you as you worship with us today.

Salem Baptist Church Nursery Coordinator